Finding the right school for your child can be a tedious and energy draining task to embark on, due to the fact the learning organization enterprise is on the increase and the high rate of tuition fees. The right school can make a lot of difference in a child’s academic career, by impacting knowledge to aid his/her mental growth, properly prepare the child for the STUDENT EXAM and improve their communication skills.
There are a few steps to be taken in finding the right school for your child;
- Evaluate academic performance: exams/test scores may not give full details about the effectiveness of a school, but it is a crucial factor to determine how well the students ACE EXAMS and the availability of capable teachers to help improve their academic performance.
- Find a good learning environment: this can be achieved by considering your child’s subjects of interest, his/her learning method, communication/social skills and practical matters.
- Pay a visit to the school of interest: this visit is majorly aimed at making various enquires such as; the tuition fees, quality of assessment given to the students, number of teachers in a classroom, their EXAM SYSTEM and any other pressing question you might have.
- Talk to parents and students: the staff and administration of the school may put their best foot forward during a visit, but parents and students will most likely tell it exactly like it is. The student will be willing to say the challenges they face in the school and the improvements the school has made that has helped them.
- Compile a list: after making enquires and speaking with parents and students of your school of interest, make a list of the feature you want in a school for your child and compare it to your findings to know the school that best meets you expectation and standard.
All these steps mentioned above would take an appreciable number of days, weeks or even months to complete, not to mention the energy it drains from you. Finding the right school for your child doesn’t have to be a tedious job to handle, that’s why Zigmatech Consult Limited developed a platform; SCHOOL FINDER that does all the work for you, making the process a lot easier and less time consuming.
The SCHOOL FINDER gives you a list of schools that best meets your expectation, standard, choice, with their contact information, curriculum, facilities, tuition fees, address and other factors involved. School finder is all you need to find the perfect school that best suits your child, click the link to begin.