How To Solve WAEC or NECO Cancelled Result Problem in 2024/2025

How To Solve WAEC or NECO Cancelled Result Problem in 2024/2025

Are you among those whose results (WAEC or NECO) have been canceled and you don't know what to do? This can be very frustrating knowing that your result has been canceled since you already have plans to use it for your admission.

So many people always fall into the problem of canceling after you have taken your WAEC or NECO examination.

But what is the solution to a canceled WAEC or NECO? If you don't know, study this article and get all the information on how you can solve this problem.  

About Cancelled Result

Why WAEC/NECO Results Are Cancelled

How To Solve WAEC or NECO Cancelled Result Problem



About Cancelled Result

What does it mean for WAEC or NECO results to be canceled? Your WAEC or NECO can be canceled if it is discovered that you or your school was involved in malpractice or misconduct, which makes your result to be canceled after the examination body has resolved that you were involved in an examination misconduct.

Your result can also be canceled if some of your details are wrong, such as your name, or wrong exam number. The missing script can also lead to your result being canceled.

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Why WAEC/NECO Results Are Cancelled

If your WAEC or NECO result has been canceled, what can be the cause of this? Let us use this opportunity to look at some of the reasons why most candidate’s results are canceled.

The following is the list of things that a candidate can do that will make WAEC cancel their results:

  • Wrong registration/ Exam number
  • Missing script/paper
  • Examination malpractice
  • Registering exam under the blacklisted center

Wrong registration/ Exam number

Using a wrong registration number or incorrect information can also be the reason why your results can be canceled by WAEC. The thing is that when you fill in the wrong information that does not correspond with your name, during the release of the result, your result will be canceled if no data matches your information.

Missing script/paper

Sometimes, as a result of one reason or the other, candidates may lose their scripts or examination papers, and because of that, their examination results may be canceled.

Examination malpractice

Examination malpractice, popularly known as EXPO, has become very alarming in the educational system, and as a result lack of student inability to study hard, but have chosen to indulge in exam malpractice. 

As a result of examination malpractices, most candidates have fallen prey to exam misconduct and this has caused most candidates’ results to be canceled when they are caught in any malpractice.

Registrering exam under blacklisted center

One of the other reasons that make your result be canceled is when you register your WAEC or NECO with the wrong registration center, which is a blacklisted center, you are bound to have your result canceled since the center is not approved by WAEC.

How To Solve WAEC or NECO Cancelled Result Problem

Although WAEC cancels some candidate's results, it does not mean that they cancel all the subjects that you registered for. If they cancel some subjects, that will be fine, but if they cancel all the subjects that you registered for, that can be difficult for you to do anything about.

So, if WAEC cancels only one or two subjects, and they are not very important to the course that you want to study, then you can still go ahead and use the result to pursue your career since you just need four of the most relevant subjects for your JAMB examination.

But if the subjects that the WAEC cancels are much, it will surely affect your result and your plan to further your education. In this case, all that you need to do is to forget about the result and register for another one. 

Finally, you must understand that once a particular result is said to have been canceled by WAEC, it therefore, means that all the investigations have been made and it has been concluded by the body that your result is not worth releasing, so don't wait and feel that one day it will be released, no, it will not be released.


What can I do next, since my WAEC has been cancelled?

There is nothing you can do since the result has been canceled, just go and obtain another WAEC or NECO registration form and sit for another exam, if you need the result.


What you need to know is that cancellation of WAEC or NECO is a normal thing that happens every year, if you make mistakes in the course of your registration that may result in the candidate’s results being canceled.

Unwana Asuquo 2 months ago
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